Monday, August 14, 2006


The dipstick Duggars

I was flipping through the channels on my television this evening when a certain program title caught my attention. The title was "Raising 16 Children". Upon reading it I started laughing, picturing in my mind what a living nightmare it must be inside that household. Intrigued, I decided to watch a few minutes of the show. About fifty minutes later, near the end of the show, I said out loud: "Those people are out of their minds!" To give you a quick summary of the show, it's about a family (The Duggars) composed of 16 children, and two nutty parents who obviously haven't heard of birth control. The show follows the super-sized family throughout their daily routines, vacations, etc. After doing a little bit of research on the web, I've learned that there are a total of four episodes about the Duggar family, all of which air on the Discovery Health channel.

My first impression about these people, besides the fact that they were absolutely nuts, was that there was something which wasn't quite right in the household. Now, in a home where there's 16 children running around there isn't much that's right to begin with. However, watching this episode about the Duggars was like watching a Twilight Zone eipsode. Finally, it hit me: all of the children were like little clones of their mom and dad. None of the kids were running around, like normal children. In fact, none of them were doing much of anything that normal children would do.

Instead of playing a game, or having fun with a friend, all 16 of those children were constantly doing chores. Now, I am in no way opposed to having children do chores. However, I am opposed to having a child who is only one year old helping to do the laundary. I mean, wake up Duggar parents! You aren't letting your children have any childhood! To make things better, the genius parents had decided to homeschool their children. This made it so that their amount of social interaction with the outside world was basically nonexistent. What I found even more amusing was the fact that the mother was the one running the whole homeschooling routine. Now, let's think this over for a minute: The person who is teaching 16 children their math, english, science, history, etc, is also the same person who decided to have 16 children. Something about that seems extremely wrong.

In my not-so-humble opinion, that husband and wife (and anyone like them) need to be slapped across the face, because maybe that will cause them to wake up and look at how much they have screwed up not only their lives, but also the lives of their children. The more and more of thought about this entire situation, the more and more I felt sorry for the children. None of them will be able to go to college, none of them will ever be able to get financial assistance from their parents when they start to build their own family, and none of them will ever have gotten the attention or emotional support that they needed during their young lives. So, as I said earlier, not only had the Duggar parents ruined their own lives, but they had flushed the lives of their children right down the toilet.

Upon doing a Google search for the word 'Duggar', I discovered that there's a forum dedicated to the show. As I read through some of the posts, I couldn't help but notice how the people who said anything that went against the Duggar's way of life/thinking was quickly told that they should shut up and that they had no right to judge the family. However, I disagree with that. Just as one of the people said on the forum, if the Duggars didn't want to be judged and criticized, then they shouldn't have allowed their family to be put all over the television and internet.
Oh yes, the Duggars had even invaded the net. This super-sized family couldn't be happy with just one website ... no, they had to have three.
Anyways, getting back on topic, once you put your face on global television and the world wide web, you'd better be ready to accept all of the stuff (both good and bad) that comes your way. I just couldn't get over how when one person said that the Duggars should stop having kids, a bunch of other people came screaming with ALL CAPS that the Duggars, and any other family, is allowed to have as many kids as they want. It's funny to see those same people talk about how no one should be judgemental of the Duggars, and how only positive comments should be posted.

Well, here's a message for all of those people: 16 kids is too damn many. I mean, honestly, there's no excuse to have that many kids. My favorite post on the forum was made by a person whose username is 'katr1979'. This is just a portion of what she had to say: "I must plead with the Discovery Channel not to feed into this anymore. Don't buy them furnishings for their home, buy them a lifetime supply of birth control, they need that a lot more." And I almost forgot to mention: not only is the Duggar family getting global attention, but they are also being funded by the Discovery Channel and TLC.

In conclusion, the Duggar mother must be happy at the end of each day knowing that she'll never have to do another chore in her life (since her kids do all of the housework, and yes, I mean ALL of it) or have to worry about paying another bill. In addition, the Duggar daddy must be terrified knowning that he's stuck with his lunatic wife for the rest of his life, since if he ever decided to get a divorce, the child support would take every last penny he had. So, to the Duggar children, I have this to say: Learn from your parent's mistakes. Don't have so many kids that you need a bus to take them anywhere. In fact, you'd better get as far away from your parents as you can, as fast as you can. And last, to the Duggar parents, I have this to say: It's people like you who are ruining this world. If you're going to keep popping out kids, move far away and don't involve other people in it. Your situation is so pathetic that you put rabbits to shame.

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